18768 rank

48,081 points

95 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Agatha 1027 the Dire   
Vingrid 2624 Agatha 1027 the Dire 70,378,557 36,426
Agatha 1027 the Dire   
Angkor 6378 Agatha 1027 the Dire 5,163,995 6,367
Agatha 1027 the Dire    NorthCross
Sinerania 8769 Agatha 1027 the Dire NorthCross 1,686,807 4,537
Agatha 1027 the Dire    Fenris
Greifental 11204 Agatha 1027 the Dire Fenris 776,865 2,290
Agatha 1027 the Dire    Irish Rovers
Houndsmoor 15502 Agatha 1027 the Dire Irish Rovers 199,792 576
Agatha 1027 the Dire    Newbs Paradise
Xyr 18768 Agatha 1027 the Dire Newbs Paradise 48,081 95