3783 rank

32,829,649 points

8,537 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Chong Phat    The TreeHouse Club
Qunrir 198 Chong Phat The TreeHouse Club 1,445,669,531 261,327
Chong Phat    Liberty and freedom
Zorskog 2361 Chong Phat Liberty and freedom 60,392,571 10,796
Chong Phat    TheWise
Sinerania 2921 Chong Phat TheWise 57,178,872 10,150
Chong Phat    Phatland
Parkog 3278 Chong Phat Phatland 45,286,104 9,316
Chong Phat    Phat is the way
Xyr 3783 Chong Phat Phat is the way 32,829,649 8,537