9663 rank

1,800,722 points

2,024 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sibastian the giant    New Phoenix
Houndsmoor 5188 Sibastian the giant New Phoenix 19,215,489 4,602
Sibastian the giant    Wu Tang Clan
Greifental 5275 Sibastian the giant Wu Tang Clan 16,598,350 4,918
Sibastian the giant    Tiger
Walstrand 4601 Sibastian the giant Tiger 16,006,496 4,731
Sibastian the giant    night raiders
Arvahall 6724 Sibastian the giant night raiders 15,460,519 4,927
Sibastian the giant    The Foundry
Tuulech 5114 Sibastian the giant The Foundry 13,504,856 4,303
Sibastian the giant    Seattle
Mount Killmore 6114 Sibastian the giant Seattle 12,890,455 4,014
Sibastian the giant    Animal Legion
Zorskog 5959 Sibastian the giant Animal Legion 6,682,147 2,980
Sibastian the giant    Elysian Fields
East-Nagach 9172 Sibastian the giant Elysian Fields 2,756,931 2,107
Sibastian the giant    Alexandria
Xyr 9663 Sibastian the giant Alexandria 1,800,722 2,024
Sibastian the giant    United Front
Carthage 5647 Sibastian the giant United Front 738,765 758