2028 rank

99,843,193 points

87,066 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Kent 6059    🌟NoRemorse🌟
Angkor 1000 Kent 6059 🌟NoRemorse🌟 203,739,855 105,232
Kent 6059    Remnant
Xyr 2028 Kent 6059 Remnant 99,843,193 87,066
Kent 6059    The Iron Cross
Jaims 2780 Kent 6059 The Iron Cross 70,256,245 85,202
Kent 6059    Active Diamond Farm
Arvahall 3813 Kent 6059 Active Diamond Farm 64,220,374 73,796
Kent 6059    Diamond Syndicate
Qunrir 2923 Kent 6059 Diamond Syndicate 62,454,840 75,604