13694 rank

343,803 points

630 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lime the Tangy    Soaring Eagles
Sinerania 1128 Lime the Tangy Soaring Eagles 266,937,603 70,123
Lime the Tangy    League of Greatness
Mount Killmore 7077 Lime the Tangy League of Greatness 9,050,331 4,261
Lime the Tangy    Casual
Arvahall 9389 Lime the Tangy Casual 5,965,560 6,999
Lime the Tangy   
Birka 4660 Lime the Tangy 5,205,616 5,640
Lime the Tangy    New Phoenix
Dunarsund 8575 Lime the Tangy New Phoenix 4,586,503 4,777
Lime the Tangy   
Yorkton 8541 Lime the Tangy 2,047,074 1,444
Lime the Tangy   
Cirgard 10350 Lime the Tangy 1,601,469 3,808
Lime the Tangy    Part Time Gamers
Noarsil 9838 Lime the Tangy Part Time Gamers 1,033,822 404
Lime the Tangy    PLAY 2 RELAX GANG
Angkor 11396 Lime the Tangy PLAY 2 RELAX GANG 388,213 452
Lime the Tangy    KnightsOfNi
Rugnir 12032 Lime the Tangy KnightsOfNi 368,744 425
Lime the Tangy    Knights of Faith
Xyr 13694 Lime the Tangy Knights of Faith 343,803 630
Lime the Tangy    The Knights Watch
Brisgard 15896 Lime the Tangy The Knights Watch 292,275 1,206
Lime the Tangy    United We Stand
Zorskog 12797 Lime the Tangy United We Stand 217,926 241
Lime the Tangy    The Sojourners
Walstrand 13081 Lime the Tangy The Sojourners 168,145 103