1832 rank

114,014,250 points

12,799 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
WonderlustJr    SOLIDARITY
Arvahall 1806 WonderlustJr SOLIDARITY 208,255,464 25,038
WonderlustJr    🍺🍺 Cheers 🍺🍺
Korch 1725 WonderlustJr 🍺🍺 Cheers 🍺🍺 161,148,045 15,657
WonderlustJr    SOLIDARITY
Jaims 1838 WonderlustJr SOLIDARITY 136,489,515 16,127
WonderlustJr    Solidarity
Xyr 1832 WonderlustJr Solidarity 114,014,250 12,799
WonderlustJr    King’s Guard
Vingrid 2174 WonderlustJr King’s Guard 99,188,147 13,463
WonderlustJr    The Explorers
Zorskog 2718 WonderlustJr The Explorers 47,413,348 8,042
Dilmun 2183 WonderlustJr BUILDERS & WARRIORS 7,427,627 3,654