9008 rank

2,476,123 points

605 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Achaeus 961 the Fearless   
Vingrid 7907 Achaeus 961 the Fearless 3,238,057 568
Achaeus 961 the Fearless   
Zorskog 7496 Achaeus 961 the Fearless 2,936,042 650
Achaeus 961 the Fearless   
Sinerania 7888 Achaeus 961 the Fearless 2,799,394 604
Achaeus 961 the Fearless   
Xyr 9008 Achaeus 961 the Fearless 2,476,123 605
Achaeus 961 the Fearless   
Qunrir 8438 Achaeus 961 the Fearless 2,256,527 429
Achaeus 961 the Fearless   
Brisgard 10635 Achaeus 961 the Fearless 2,233,835 559
Achaeus 961 the Fearless   
Odhrorvar 8414 Achaeus 961 the Fearless 2,119,800 465
Achaeus 961 the Fearless   
Dunarsund 10127 Achaeus 961 the Fearless 2,009,546 513
Achaeus 961 the Fearless   
Jaims 9186 Achaeus 961 the Fearless 1,969,263 460
Achaeus 961 the Fearless   
Houndsmoor 10057 Achaeus 961 the Fearless 1,959,691 515
Achaeus 961 the Fearless   
Fel Dranghyr 9467 Achaeus 961 the Fearless 1,952,994 535
Achaeus 961 the Fearless   
Parkog 8533 Achaeus 961 the Fearless 1,905,313 439
Achaeus 961 the Fearless   
Langendorn 9122 Achaeus 961 the Fearless 1,724,515 471
Achaeus 961 the Fearless   
Greifental 9758 Achaeus 961 the Fearless 1,559,628 445
Achaeus 961 the Fearless   
Korch 9976 Achaeus 961 the Fearless 1,247,110 426