5318 rank

14,784,094 points

6,987 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Groot The Unforgivable   
Uceria 1542 Groot The Unforgivable 170,230,458 38,107
Groot The Unforgivable    Jackwagons
East-Nagach 2416 Groot The Unforgivable Jackwagons 107,350,503 49,368
Groot The Unforgivable    THE MAD WARRIORS
Arvahall 5252 Groot The Unforgivable THE MAD WARRIORS 31,834,119 14,852
Groot The Unforgivable   
Dunarsund 4819 Groot The Unforgivable 26,789,513 12,761
Groot The Unforgivable   
Xyr 5318 Groot The Unforgivable 14,784,094 6,987