6430 rank

8,791,875 points

10,989 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
roofrider    The Casuals
Dunarsund 6796 roofrider The Casuals 10,655,864 12,197
roofrider    The Red Hand
Jaims 6087 roofrider The Red Hand 10,523,084 11,512
roofrider    Pests
Parkog 5754 roofrider Pests 10,455,457 12,139
roofrider    Western Empire
Sinerania 5718 roofrider Western Empire 10,145,103 13,695
roofrider    Black Durango 2
Korch 6182 roofrider Black Durango 2 9,887,411 12,024
roofrider    Whatever1
Brisgard 7466 roofrider Whatever1 9,241,699 12,557
roofrider    kirkland
Yorkton 5836 roofrider kirkland 9,077,374 9,990
roofrider    Galatians
Xyr 6430 roofrider Galatians 8,791,875 10,989
roofrider    On Sabbatical
Zorskog 5640 roofrider On Sabbatical 8,369,379 11,202
roofrider    📜 Arc Trust 📜
Walstrand 5962 roofrider 📜 Arc Trust 📜 8,081,744 10,568
roofrider    Iron Age Dwellers
Angkor 5645 roofrider Iron Age Dwellers 7,739,457 11,998
roofrider    Iron Works
Cirgard 8185 roofrider Iron Works 4,776,878 5,589
roofrider    In Memoria Christi
Dilmun 7434 roofrider In Memoria Christi 69,043 45