9973 rank

1,571,163 points

1,219 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Perseus 1051 the White    Dont care
Vingrid 9176 Perseus 1051 the White Dont care 1,577,827 953
Perseus 1051 the White    Freedom Fighters
Xyr 9973 Perseus 1051 the White Freedom Fighters 1,571,163 1,219
Perseus 1051 the White    SIRRONS TOWN
Mount Killmore 10738 Perseus 1051 the White SIRRONS TOWN 1,566,652 1,098
Perseus 1051 the White   
Walstrand 8623 Perseus 1051 the White 1,566,481 955
Perseus 1051 the White    Hanseatic League
Angkor 8546 Perseus 1051 the White Hanseatic League 1,511,210 1,397
Perseus 1051 the White    The warriors
Dunarsund 10735 Perseus 1051 the White The warriors 1,505,513 1,003