587 rank

461,930,577 points

93,039 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Blade the Reaper    Quiet Honor
Xyr 587 Blade the Reaper Quiet Honor 461,930,577 93,039
Blade the Reaper    Time Of Ages
Langendorn 8948 Blade the Reaper Time Of Ages 1,939,453 2,395
Blade the Reaper    Just Farming
Uceria 9642 Blade the Reaper Just Farming 1,258,501 1,238
Blade the Reaper    🛰 firefly
Mount Killmore 18199 Blade the Reaper 🛰 firefly 91,157 98
Blade the Reaper   
Angkor 15953 Blade the Reaper 51,785 93