18206 rank

59,238 points

185 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Wedrowiec    Real Foo Fighters
Brisgard 3133 Wedrowiec Real Foo Fighters 70,919,336 13,188
Wedrowiec    Clan of Sister's
Arvahall 9694 Wedrowiec Clan of Sister's 5,222,596 2,362
Wedrowiec    Turtle Work
Noarsil 7640 Wedrowiec Turtle Work 3,818,389 1,959
Wedrowiec    Dannyboy
Rugnir 8180 Wedrowiec Dannyboy 2,638,116 1,892
Wedrowiec    mines
Mount Killmore 11609 Wedrowiec mines 1,092,042 1,187
Greifental 10664 Wedrowiec 989,053 954
Wedrowiec    Great Okoku
Uceria 10109 Wedrowiec Great Okoku 963,863 1,151
Wedrowiec    Mayflower
Korch 16000 Wedrowiec Mayflower 85,847 298
East-Nagach 17648 Wedrowiec 64,059 155
Xyr 18206 Wedrowiec 59,238 185
Wedrowiec    justrelax
Angkor 16028 Wedrowiec justrelax 50,479 205
Sinerania 16870 Wedrowiec 37,940 142
Wedrowiec    The Pointy End
Birka 14702 Wedrowiec The Pointy End 22,772 96