610 rank

376,607,006 points

47,335 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
staggeringox    Hardwood Forest
Parkog 466 staggeringox Hardwood Forest 553,351,147 79,178
staggeringox    Savage
Dunarsund 604 staggeringox Savage 516,465,481 81,367
staggeringox    Veni Vidi Vici
Korch 775 staggeringox Veni Vidi Vici 379,381,827 53,414
staggeringox    Castle Knights
Arvahall 1015 staggeringox Castle Knights 377,768,691 46,702
staggeringox    Solidarity
Xyr 610 staggeringox Solidarity 376,607,006 47,335
staggeringox    Guild of Honor🏅
Houndsmoor 802 staggeringox Guild of Honor🏅 376,221,926 52,854