15760 rank

157,801 points

140 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Molson the big head    Royal Trading
Houndsmoor 1984 Molson the big head Royal Trading 141,405,194 21,638
Molson the big head    all by myself
Arvahall 11592 Molson the big head all by myself 2,396,802 1,169
Molson the big head    Stewdogery
Greifental 10295 Molson the big head Stewdogery 1,209,712 566
Molson the big head    Heavens Keepers
Sinerania 10581 Molson the big head Heavens Keepers 694,331 435
Molson the big head    Lion & the Lamb
Odhrorvar 11016 Molson the big head Lion & the Lamb 554,303 571
Molson the big head    Scroll and Dagger
Walstrand 11323 Molson the big head Scroll and Dagger 408,068 276
Molson the big head    New players welcome
Dunarsund 14041 Molson the big head New players welcome 404,098 285
Molson the big head    Bobo Musa
Parkog 11840 Molson the big head Bobo Musa 369,084 243
Molson the big head    Keep calm and gameon
Fel Dranghyr 13528 Molson the big head Keep calm and gameon 316,232 208
Molson the big head    Mostly-Retired
Brisgard 16566 Molson the big head Mostly-Retired 237,183 264
Molson the big head    Trade Alliance
Vingrid 13380 Molson the big head Trade Alliance 223,646 217
Molson the big head    Helping Hand
Qunrir 13293 Molson the big head Helping Hand 193,381 190
Molson the big head    Mandalorians
Cirgard 15820 Molson the big head Mandalorians 179,467 226
Molson the big head    The Diamond Mine
East-Nagach 15489 Molson the big head The Diamond Mine 164,994 185
Molson the big head    Knights of the round
Xyr 15760 Molson the big head Knights of the round 157,801 140
Molson the big head    Black Hawk
Zorskog 13900 Molson the big head Black Hawk 134,530 135
Molson the big head    Kingdom Killers
Mount Killmore 17220 Molson the big head Kingdom Killers 133,575 189
Molson the big head    heather
Jaims 15068 Molson the big head heather 128,945 163
Molson the big head    Desiderata
Korch 15118 Molson the big head Desiderata 128,214 152
Molson the big head    System Lords
Yorkton 14963 Molson the big head System Lords 121,759 131
Molson the big head    REALLY JUST FOR FUN
Angkor 14089 Molson the big head REALLY JUST FOR FUN 119,578 118
Molson the big head    Diamond Farms
Langendorn 14684 Molson the big head Diamond Farms 111,728 204
Molson the big head    Not active
Birka 11844 Molson the big head Not active 86,756 118
Molson the big head    Another Diamond Farm
Rugnir 15251 Molson the big head Another Diamond Farm 83,141 59
Molson the big head    Inactive
Carthage 10730 Molson the big head Inactive 78,207 157
Molson the big head    🔱SYTHLORDS🔱
Noarsil 15419 Molson the big head 🔱SYTHLORDS🔱 71,460 86
Molson the big head    Beer Gut
Tuulech 14989 Molson the big head Beer Gut 70,899 134
Molson the big head    The Dusk Raiders
Dilmun 7740 Molson the big head The Dusk Raiders 67,371 158
Molson the big head    DRAGON BALL
Uceria 15833 Molson the big head DRAGON BALL 63,586 70