10044 rank

1,529,546 points

4,408 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Eusebius 255 the Bloody    Honor Bound
Langendorn 1258 Eusebius 255 the Bloody Honor Bound 174,613,343 62,372
Eusebius 255 the Bloody    Infinity
Birka 770 Eusebius 255 the Bloody Infinity 113,557,433 111,150
Eusebius 255 the Bloody    Infinity
Angkor 2453 Eusebius 255 the Bloody Infinity 37,883,222 28,925
Eusebius 255 the Bloody    2 Rules, Just Right
Parkog 3232 Eusebius 255 the Bloody 2 Rules, Just Right 35,855,013 27,649
Eusebius 255 the Bloody    Infinity
Yorkton 3390 Eusebius 255 the Bloody Infinity 26,951,730 23,749
Eusebius 255 the Bloody    Diamond Miners
Brisgard 4521 Eusebius 255 the Bloody Diamond Miners 26,893,819 19,952
Eusebius 255 the Bloody    Diamond Masters
East-Nagach 4374 Eusebius 255 the Bloody Diamond Masters 26,438,687 18,106
Eusebius 255 the Bloody    Infinity
Walstrand 4019 Eusebius 255 the Bloody Infinity 19,350,136 18,925
Eusebius 255 the Bloody    Another Diamond Farm
Rugnir 4334 Eusebius 255 the Bloody Another Diamond Farm 19,068,135 16,395
Eusebius 255 the Bloody    Diamonds are Forever
Uceria 4657 Eusebius 255 the Bloody Diamonds are Forever 16,788,819 14,124
Eusebius 255 the Bloody    Diamonds are Forever
Cirgard 6015 Eusebius 255 the Bloody Diamonds are Forever 11,039,750 19,492
Eusebius 255 the Bloody    Time Bandits 2.0
Sinerania 8530 Eusebius 255 the Bloody Time Bandits 2.0 1,914,614 5,878
Eusebius 255 the Bloody    Infinity
Xyr 10044 Eusebius 255 the Bloody Infinity 1,529,546 4,408