12689 rank

503,408 points

994 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ferrum the Great    Super Bunny
Noarsil 889 Ferrum the Great Super Bunny 343,197,963 55,201
Ferrum the Great    Λ P Σ X⏫Imperium
Brisgard 4450 Ferrum the Great Λ P Σ X⏫Imperium 35,788,855 51,579
Ferrum the Great    Ferrum Guild
Langendorn 9446 Ferrum the Great Ferrum Guild 1,418,136 3,713
Ferrum the Great    Wynners' Guild
Tuulech 10050 Ferrum the Great Wynners' Guild 799,674 202
Ferrum the Great    Gamers Guild
Xyr 12689 Ferrum the Great Gamers Guild 503,408 994
Ferrum the Great   
Carthage 11204 Ferrum the Great 58,119 368