12224 rank

624,507 points

2,332 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Penelope 485 the Strong    WareHouse 13
Mount Killmore 359 Penelope 485 the Strong WareHouse 13 778,979,925 158,180
Penelope 485 the Strong   
Korch 4747 Penelope 485 the Strong 19,951,285 14,734
Penelope 485 the Strong    DiamondFarm
Cirgard 6674 Penelope 485 the Strong DiamondFarm 9,132,267 7,400
Penelope 485 the Strong   
Vingrid 6691 Penelope 485 the Strong 6,355,432 8,463
Penelope 485 the Strong    The best
Sinerania 10585 Penelope 485 the Strong The best 705,107 2,222
Penelope 485 the Strong    PIZZA PARTY
Xyr 12224 Penelope 485 the Strong PIZZA PARTY 624,507 2,332