2799 rank

58,975,417 points

41,007 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dad 1 the Wise    Crossing the Alps
Odhrorvar 469 Dad 1 the Wise Crossing the Alps 666,794,610 242,566
Dad 1 the Wise    Pirates of Rugnir
Rugnir 1009 Dad 1 the Wise Pirates of Rugnir 294,114,488 67,116
Dad 1 the Wise    Blades & Castles
Walstrand 2210 Dad 1 the Wise Blades & Castles 85,725,007 52,913
Dad 1 the Wise    Diamond Farms
Xyr 2799 Dad 1 the Wise Diamond Farms 58,975,417 41,007