12554 rank

592,667 points

607 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Paulus Enzo    Minutemen
Houndsmoor 1333 Paulus Enzo Minutemen 170,546,010 27,356
Paulus Enzo    The Firm
Rugnir 2245 Paulus Enzo The Firm 70,987,716 11,657
Paulus Enzo    Farms'R'us
Uceria 3340 Paulus Enzo Farms'R'us 35,699,486 6,989
Paulus Enzo    Elevate
Tuulech 10756 Paulus Enzo Elevate 638,053 625
Paulus Enzo    Swords of Light
Xyr 12554 Paulus Enzo Swords of Light 592,667 607
Paulus Enzo    Jayhawknation
Noarsil 19134 Paulus Enzo Jayhawknation 22,977 88