10850 rank

1,056,995 points

1,382 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Triaska of Fellweather    RL SX
Cirgard 1900 Triaska of Fellweather RL SX 140,690,902 35,585
Triaska of Fellweather    Carthage
Odhrorvar 8120 Triaska of Fellweather Carthage 2,515,474 2,346
Triaska of Fellweather    Dustkings
Xyr 10850 Triaska of Fellweather Dustkings 1,056,995 1,382
Triaska of Fellweather    Fearsome Pixies !
Dilmun 5990 Triaska of Fellweather Fearsome Pixies ! 173,622 308