15824 rank

164,945 points

132 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Johannes the Bold    Kottonmouth Kings
Fel Dranghyr 14759 Johannes the Bold Kottonmouth Kings 198,201 157
Johannes the Bold    uhighyi
Rugnir 13745 Johannes the Bold uhighyi 176,022 116
Johannes the Bold   
Uceria 13832 Johannes the Bold 174,730 120
Johannes the Bold    Kings of Valhalla
Mount Killmore 16689 Johannes the Bold Kings of Valhalla 172,571 106
Johannes the Bold    Purple larry
Yorkton 14248 Johannes the Bold Purple larry 172,081 121
Johannes the Bold    XYR Station
Xyr 15824 Johannes the Bold XYR Station 164,945 132
Johannes the Bold    South Europe
Odhrorvar 14106 Johannes the Bold South Europe 134,220 90