6524 rank

8,440,276 points

3,314 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ProudGreatGranny    Silent Assassin's
Cirgard 6157 ProudGreatGranny Silent Assassin's 12,479,325 4,313
ProudGreatGranny    killermushroom77
Zorskog 5115 ProudGreatGranny killermushroom77 10,911,848 4,082
ProudGreatGranny    Game of Thrones
Rugnir 5785 ProudGreatGranny Game of Thrones 10,691,788 4,010
ProudGreatGranny    The BlackRose
Jaims 6125 ProudGreatGranny The BlackRose 10,393,768 4,309
ProudGreatGranny    Irish Domain
Xyr 6524 ProudGreatGranny Irish Domain 8,440,276 3,314
ProudGreatGranny    The Cranberry
Korch 7070 ProudGreatGranny The Cranberry 6,283,214 2,859
ProudGreatGranny    Not-here-Much
Brisgard 9882 ProudGreatGranny Not-here-Much 3,207,021 1,494