13263 rank

423,921 points

1,256 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
cgroberts    ⚔️Wardens⚔️
Fel Dranghyr 2976 cgroberts ⚔️Wardens⚔️ 61,261,908 72,999
cgroberts    Legacies Never Die
Arvahall 4827 cgroberts Legacies Never Die 34,794,424 32,209
cgroberts    Heart of Gold
Carthage 1246 cgroberts Heart of Gold 30,457,594 32,266
cgroberts    Future Kings/Queens
Mount Killmore 4475 cgroberts Future Kings/Queens 28,124,827 24,165
Parkog 5190 cgroberts 13,438,262 16,076
cgroberts    Ravenstone
Brisgard 6845 cgroberts Ravenstone 11,121,319 9,531
Jaims 12396 cgroberts 444,492 1,281
Xyr 13263 cgroberts 423,921 1,256
Rugnir 11932 cgroberts 409,941 1,215