13838 rank

336,706 points

731 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rundlfly the Gret   
Xyr 13838 Rundlfly the Gret 336,706 731
Rundlfly the Gret   
Odhrorvar 13449 Rundlfly the Gret 178,876 299
Rundlfly the Gret    The fifth Dragon
Walstrand 13207 Rundlfly the Gret The fifth Dragon 168,466 324
Rundlfly the Gret    Journey
Vingrid 14055 Rundlfly the Gret Journey 165,808 352
Rundlfly the Gret   
Langendorn 14308 Rundlfly the Gret 142,024 316
Rundlfly the Gret   
Jaims 15183 Rundlfly the Gret 130,157 299