17490 rank

82,304 points

303 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pyrrhos 1349 the Proud   
Dunarsund 14296 Pyrrhos 1349 the Proud 368,093 507
Pyrrhos 1349 the Proud   
East-Nagach 15659 Pyrrhos 1349 the Proud 159,509 314
Pyrrhos 1349 the Proud   
Walstrand 13613 Pyrrhos 1349 the Proud 141,061 332
Pyrrhos 1349 the Proud   
Sinerania 14318 Pyrrhos 1349 the Proud 124,280 265
Pyrrhos 1349 the Proud   
Xyr 17490 Pyrrhos 1349 the Proud 82,304 303