11799 rank

736,508 points

251 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Wobbely    only for fun
Cirgard 8465 Wobbely only for fun 4,021,245 1,334
Wobbely    Guild of Canada
Brisgard 9357 Wobbely Guild of Canada 3,871,532 1,413
Wobbely    It's a game, RELAX
Vingrid 7634 Wobbely It's a game, RELAX 3,721,244 1,376
Wobbely    FORGE ON
Carthage 3676 Wobbely FORGE ON 3,372,501 1,266
Wobbely    Oldtimers
Rugnir 7723 Wobbely Oldtimers 3,332,499 1,151
Wobbely    Revolutio
Dunarsund 9145 Wobbely Revolutio 3,294,960 1,243
Wobbely    Misfits
Fel Dranghyr 8819 Wobbely Misfits 2,733,087 1,140
Wobbely    The resting place
East-Nagach 9257 Wobbely The resting place 2,651,255 1,233
Wobbely    Mostly-Retired
Langendorn 8812 Wobbely Mostly-Retired 2,014,301 1,101
Wobbely    ⚔️playing for fun⚔️
Sinerania 9100 Wobbely ⚔️playing for fun⚔️ 1,428,356 695
Wobbely    FoEYoU
Xyr 11799 Wobbely FoEYoU 736,508 251
Wobbely    the mighty
Birka 7986 Wobbely the mighty 575,731 360