18199 rank

58,717 points

60 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Niphilem the Magnanimous   
Carthage 3273 Niphilem the Magnanimous 5,986,070 12,019
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Cirgard 17373 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 90,773 224
Niphilem the Magnanimous   
Brisgard 19111 Niphilem the Magnanimous 88,699 215
Niphilem the Magnanimous   
Greifental 15860 Niphilem the Magnanimous 88,158 215
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Arvahall 21303 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 85,062 197
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Dunarsund 17931 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 79,174 213
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Solitude
East-Nagach 17264 Niphilem the Magnanimous Solitude 75,895 208
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Jaims 16255 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 73,350 180
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Solitude
Langendorn 15671 Niphilem the Magnanimous Solitude 73,316 117
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Fel Dranghyr 16862 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 71,945 184
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Farming your Diamond
Houndsmoor 17915 Niphilem the Magnanimous Farming your Diamond 71,770 179
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Yorkton 16244 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 70,162 54
Niphilem the Magnanimous   
Korch 16516 Niphilem the Magnanimous 68,620 153
Niphilem the Magnanimous    NoPayForDiamonds
Mount Killmore 19181 Niphilem the Magnanimous NoPayForDiamonds 65,012 101
Niphilem the Magnanimous    The Marines
Odhrorvar 15429 Niphilem the Magnanimous The Marines 63,720 84
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Parkog 15609 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 63,673 123
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Only for Diamonds
Sinerania 15716 Niphilem the Magnanimous Only for Diamonds 62,661 84
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Diamond Farmers
Angkor 15555 Niphilem the Magnanimous Diamond Farmers 61,357 102
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Noarsil 15793 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 60,439 123
Niphilem the Magnanimous   
Xyr 18199 Niphilem the Magnanimous 58,717 60
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Birka 12572 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 58,559 75
Niphilem the Magnanimous   
Tuulech 15444 Niphilem the Magnanimous 58,401 72
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Diamond Guild
Qunrir 15914 Niphilem the Magnanimous Diamond Guild 58,111 65
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Rugnir 16213 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 55,194 133
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Uceria 16171 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 54,520 77
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Zorskog 16019 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 53,527 74
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Walstrand 15953 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 47,175 79
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Vingrid 16940 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 45,139 55