11216 rank

920,487 points

306 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
bobu3838    Valhalla World
Houndsmoor 10233 bobu3838 Valhalla World 1,792,255 516
bobu3838    Knights of Solomnia
Walstrand 9381 bobu3838 Knights of Solomnia 1,021,107 315
bobu3838    Reign
Sinerania 9876 bobu3838 Reign 953,336 240
bobu3838    Deadpoor
Vingrid 10260 bobu3838 Deadpoor 924,165 260
bobu3838    TAVERN TRAMPS
Xyr 11216 bobu3838 TAVERN TRAMPS 920,487 306
bobu3838    The Perfect Storm
Qunrir 10469 bobu3838 The Perfect Storm 743,086 297