18705 rank

48,561 points

8 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Youngthug    YSL
Jaims 14655 Youngthug YSL 152,557 564
Youngthug    Just Enjoy
Qunrir 15145 Youngthug Just Enjoy 81,501 50
Youngthug    YSL
Xyr 18705 Youngthug YSL 48,561 8
Youngthug    forge points
Langendorn 16644 Youngthug forge points 48,232 26
Youngthug    the Sons of B**ches
Korch 18473 Youngthug the Sons of B**ches 30,610 2
Youngthug    Ysl
Fel Dranghyr 19438 Youngthug Ysl 25,370 8