17170 rank

89,168 points

211 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Euric 1242 the Lucky    KaraBlaze III
Cirgard 14969 Euric 1242 the Lucky KaraBlaze III 249,427 727
Euric 1242 the Lucky   
Xyr 17170 Euric 1242 the Lucky 89,168 211
Euric 1242 the Lucky   
Mount Killmore 18446 Euric 1242 the Lucky 83,856 323
Euric 1242 the Lucky   
Dilmun 7305 Euric 1242 the Lucky 75,582 294
Euric 1242 the Lucky   
Tuulech 15239 Euric 1242 the Lucky 66,121 295
Euric 1242 the Lucky    Bunny Rabbit Brigade
Brisgard 20007 Euric 1242 the Lucky Bunny Rabbit Brigade 63,778 275
Euric 1242 the Lucky    Slow and Easy
Greifental 16732 Euric 1242 the Lucky Slow and Easy 62,135 272
Euric 1242 the Lucky   
Dunarsund 18621 Euric 1242 the Lucky 60,562 99
Euric 1242 the Lucky    The beginners
Jaims 19002 Euric 1242 the Lucky The beginners 23,383 93