12483 rank

608,326 points

1,185 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Laminer24    The Good Fight
Angkor 9183 Laminer24 The Good Fight 1,011,324 1,681
Laminer24    Lions Bandits
Xyr 12483 Laminer24 Lions Bandits 608,326 1,185
Laminer24    Prime Alliance
Greifental 13504 Laminer24 Prime Alliance 314,907 869
Laminer24    great new one
Arvahall 17892 Laminer24 great new one 286,871 752
Laminer24    Hoarse Radish
Rugnir 15034 Laminer24 Hoarse Radish 121,600 362
Laminer24    Why Not Us
Uceria 19510 Laminer24 Why Not Us 20,256 34