913 rank

285,133,872 points

65,223 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
WuvGun the Elder    🔥 The Fire 🔥
Noarsil 153 WuvGun the Elder 🔥 The Fire 🔥 1,654,272,336 383,037
WuvGun the Elder    🐲 ßåĐ Řĕpūtåtíóɳ 🐲
Xyr 913 WuvGun the Elder 🐲 ßåĐ Řĕpūtåtíóɳ 🐲 285,133,872 65,223
WuvGun the Elder    The RMA
Walstrand 2284 WuvGun the Elder The RMA 84,281,613 38,732
WuvGun the Elder    Devil Lords
Jaims 3038 WuvGun the Elder Devil Lords 60,295,650 37,990
WuvGun the Elder    Pyros of N
Fel Dranghyr 5573 WuvGun the Elder Pyros of N 15,205,635 9,245
WuvGun the Elder    Pyros of N
Dunarsund 6098 WuvGun the Elder Pyros of N 14,660,655 7,614
WuvGun the Elder    Pyros of N
East-Nagach 6365 WuvGun the Elder Pyros of N 12,403,272 6,885
WuvGun the Elder    Pyros of N
Sinerania 5804 WuvGun the Elder Pyros of N 9,977,803 5,733
WuvGun the Elder    Pyros of N
Uceria 6461 WuvGun the Elder Pyros of N 8,166,236 5,799
WuvGun the Elder    Pyros of N
Tuulech 6572 WuvGun the Elder Pyros of N 6,320,181 5,079
WuvGun the Elder    Mistake Factory
Cirgard 7908 WuvGun the Elder Mistake Factory 5,508,505 11,042
WuvGun the Elder    Ministry of Steel
Langendorn 7869 WuvGun the Elder Ministry of Steel 3,676,210 2,116
WuvGun the Elder    taking time off
Zorskog 7346 WuvGun the Elder taking time off 3,303,758 2,150
WuvGun the Elder    The Misfit Toys
Yorkton 7798 WuvGun the Elder The Misfit Toys 3,270,716 2,163
WuvGun the Elder    Taking Break
Parkog 7992 WuvGun the Elder Taking Break 2,713,541 2,609
WuvGun the Elder    PermVaca
Brisgard 13663 WuvGun the Elder PermVaca 678,026 1,501
WuvGun the Elder    medical leave
Arvahall 15298 WuvGun the Elder medical leave 629,508 1,835
WuvGun the Elder    Pyros of N
Vingrid 11260 WuvGun the Elder Pyros of N 598,118 534
WuvGun the Elder    The Pyro of N
Greifental 12292 WuvGun the Elder The Pyro of N 481,693 394
WuvGun the Elder    Pyros of N
Angkor 11577 WuvGun the Elder Pyros of N 372,533 281