Rank Name Battles Points
Kiki Longstocking
1 Kiki Longstocking 184,205 911,714,493
zhao dynasty
2 zhao dynasty 12,539 183,958,157
Voodoo Witch Doctor
3 Voodoo Witch Doctor 42,036 154,649,435
Herodotus 200 the Lion
4 Herodotus 200 the Lion 29,826 112,047,643
Kate The Boston Red
5 Kate The Boston Red 56,009 104,864,016
SSGT JC 0369
6 SSGT JC 0369 55,128 87,388,127
7 Palibrk 5,406 15,637,316
Alyssa 1603 the Impaler
8 Alyssa 1603 the Impaler 5,839 11,407,036
9 swordbearer6969 10,416 11,161,670
Fulvia 986 the Valiant
10 Fulvia 986 the Valiant 6,408 8,609,622
11 karibgirl 701 8,391,134
12 Kurzweil 1,520 4,835,362

activity index
