Rank Name Battles Points
John8 the Great
1 John8 the Great 8,488 72,061,696
john888 the strong
2 john888 the strong 1,381 11,744,266
3 John88 THE WILD 1,019 7,930,544
john8888 the great
4 john8888 the great 832 6,720,225
john8 the wicked
5 john8 the wicked 688 4,824,267
john8 the 3rd
6 john8 the 3rd 355 2,953,471
john8 the insane
7 john8 the insane 366 2,705,873
john8 the crazy
8 john8 the crazy 346 1,072,907
john8 the 2nd
9 john8 the 2nd 226 843,931
john the 4th
10 john the 4th 275 674,454
King John8
11 King John8 237 55,437

activity index
