3570 rank

23,827,227 points

7,391 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
NC the Merchant    B temp
Birka 1964 NC the Merchant B temp 27,011,904 9,512
NC the Merchant    y_temp
Yorkton 3570 NC the Merchant y_temp 23,827,227 7,391
NC the Merchant    X_temp
Xyr 6962 NC the Merchant X_temp 6,086,737 4,001
NC the Merchant    Rtemp
Rugnir 7608 NC the Merchant Rtemp 3,343,929 7,460
NC the Merchant    Gtemp
Greifental 8289 NC the Merchant Gtemp 3,297,800 7,664
NC the Merchant    Qtemp
Qunrir 7935 NC the Merchant Qtemp 3,035,692 7,973
NC the Merchant    Htemp
Houndsmoor 9021 NC the Merchant Htemp 2,973,215 7,645
NC the Merchant    Ftemp
Fel Dranghyr 8548 NC the Merchant Ftemp 2,957,883 7,913
NC the Merchant    Mtemp
Mount Killmore 9285 NC the Merchant Mtemp 2,862,345 7,887
NC the Merchant    Wtemp
Walstrand 7709 NC the Merchant Wtemp 2,500,697 7,301
NC the Merchant    Vtemp
Vingrid 8331 NC the Merchant Vtemp 2,346,761 7,309
NC the Merchant    Z_temp
Zorskog 10896 NC the Merchant Z_temp 535,029 1,139