11665 rank

478,656 points

229 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ameila the Merciful    FotS
Mount Killmore 10 Ameila the Merciful FotS 4,744,769,603 1,050,473
Ameila the Merciful   
Fel Dranghyr 7190 Ameila the Merciful 6,920,198 3,944
Ameila the Merciful    Fuzzy Bunny Slippers
Noarsil 9598 Ameila the Merciful Fuzzy Bunny Slippers 1,195,675 496
Ameila the Merciful    Kings of UnderWorld
Yorkton 11665 Ameila the Merciful Kings of UnderWorld 478,656 229