11683 rank

468,963 points

808 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
phantomeg6    King Arthur's table
Uceria 9760 phantomeg6 King Arthur's table 1,172,015 1,479
Arvahall 15140 phantomeg6 648,053 751
phantomeg6    Druids
Cirgard 12542 phantomeg6 Druids 645,771 550
phantomeg6    Dragons of the World
Carthage 6184 phantomeg6 Dragons of the World 565,756 672
phantomeg6    Freedom Lounge
Yorkton 11683 phantomeg6 Freedom Lounge 468,963 808
phantomeg6    You Be You
East-Nagach 14230 phantomeg6 You Be You 298,374 419