11802 rank

433,814 points

314 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Wolf 1470    Unicorns & Dragons
Cirgard 11648 Wolf 1470 Unicorns & Dragons 895,553 924
Wolf 1470    The Fellowship
Brisgard 14664 Wolf 1470 The Fellowship 454,770 98
Wolf 1470    SilverWingAvengers
Yorkton 11802 Wolf 1470 SilverWingAvengers 433,814 314
Wolf 1470    Fantastic Heroes
Houndsmoor 13498 Wolf 1470 Fantastic Heroes 421,250 161
Uceria 11847 Wolf 1470 AMETHYST ARROW 409,592 112
Wolf 1470    Magi Order: Ashen Ra
Tuulech 11552 Wolf 1470 Magi Order: Ashen Ra 378,733 107
Wolf 1470    Let's Have Fun!
Korch 12621 Wolf 1470 Let's Have Fun! 378,571 124
Wolf 1470    DIREWOLF
Sinerania 11850 Wolf 1470 DIREWOLF 370,013 144
Wolf 1470    Fae born
Qunrir 12134 Wolf 1470 Fae born 337,514 108
Wolf 1470    Reign of Tiger
Jaims 12971 Wolf 1470 Reign of Tiger 329,413 108
Wolf 1470    Wolves
Xyr 13837 Wolf 1470 Wolves 324,169 83
Wolf 1470    God's Squad
Dunarsund 14595 Wolf 1470 God's Squad 315,373 91
Wolf 1470   
Langendorn 12610 Wolf 1470 302,087 501
Wolf 1470    Kitty Sparrow Pub
East-Nagach 18517 Wolf 1470 Kitty Sparrow Pub 45,847 16
Wolf 1470    John 3:16 Guild
Rugnir 18388 Wolf 1470 John 3:16 Guild 21,499 10