8960 rank

1,615,247 points

86 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Achilles 632 the Hard    Yeshua His True Name
Zorskog 8066 Achilles 632 the Hard Yeshua His True Name 2,070,642 81
Achilles 632 the Hard    Wolf-Pack
Langendorn 8908 Achilles 632 the Hard Wolf-Pack 1,958,925 131
Achilles 632 the Hard    WRKSHoP
Yorkton 8960 Achilles 632 the Hard WRKSHoP 1,615,247 86
Achilles 632 the Hard    Green Vipers
Walstrand 11667 Achilles 632 the Hard Green Vipers 332,084 14