7957 rank

2,935,683 points

2,198 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
MALAN2854    Winging It
Zorskog 6739 MALAN2854 Winging It 4,635,201 2,499
MALAN2854    Steel Shredders
Arvahall 10571 MALAN2854 Steel Shredders 3,657,720 2,379
MALAN2854    Princessgamer
Dunarsund 9199 MALAN2854 Princessgamer 3,312,516 2,455
Yorkton 7957 MALAN2854 POSITIVE ENERGY 2,935,683 2,198
MALAN2854    Builders and Traders
Greifental 8697 MALAN2854 Builders and Traders 2,883,924 2,281
MALAN2854    Deadly Intentions
Langendorn 8297 MALAN2854 Deadly Intentions 2,835,541 2,022
MALAN2854    Black Phillip
Cirgard 9750 MALAN2854 Black Phillip 2,177,976 1,625