8107 rank

2,260,520 points

7,965 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Percival2018    Swords of Light
Vingrid 3391 Percival2018 Swords of Light 33,351,319 89,013
Percival2018    Jesus is Lord
Jaims 7054 Percival2018 Jesus is Lord 5,708,349 22,971
Percival2018    The Coffee Club
Houndsmoor 8832 Percival2018 The Coffee Club 3,276,151 10,866
Percival2018    B&B
Yorkton 8107 Percival2018 B&B 2,260,520 7,965
Percival2018    Swords of Light
Dilmun 3338 Percival2018 Swords of Light 881,862 3,259