7662 rank

3,523,198 points

5,283 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Honey1215    The defenders
Yorkton 7662 Honey1215 The defenders 3,523,198 5,283
Honey1215    Laid Back
Angkor 7731 Honey1215 Laid Back 2,340,362 4,495
Honey1215    FOE Guild #1
Brisgard 13900 Honey1215 FOE Guild #1 602,183 1,355
Honey1215    Dragon's Diamonds
Cirgard 12741 Honey1215 Dragon's Diamonds 577,846 1,205
Honey1215    just us 2
Dunarsund 14295 Honey1215 just us 2 361,205 1,140