10770 rank

684,902 points

806 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Romeo the geart    HouseofTheRisingSun
Zorskog 8908 Romeo the geart HouseofTheRisingSun 1,310,715 626
Romeo the geart    The Slow Turtles
Birka 6984 Romeo the geart The Slow Turtles 1,028,781 646
Romeo the geart    Archers
Yorkton 10770 Romeo the geart Archers 684,902 806
Romeo the geart    demolition crew
Noarsil 11641 Romeo the geart demolition crew 428,222 408
Romeo the geart    CHILLINGHAM
Korch 12807 Romeo the geart CHILLINGHAM 349,561 510
Romeo the geart    Black Falcon Guard
East-Nagach 14055 Romeo the geart Black Falcon Guard 305,637 359
Romeo the geart   
Xyr 14796 Romeo the geart 227,259 388
Romeo the geart    Royal Alliance
Tuulech 12633 Romeo the geart Royal Alliance 226,599 403
Romeo the geart   
Carthage 8381 Romeo the geart 217,411 307
Romeo the geart    The Xa Trade League
Fel Dranghyr 14345 Romeo the geart The Xa Trade League 215,723 357
Romeo the geart    BackToTheFuture
Mount Killmore 16125 Romeo the geart BackToTheFuture 197,818 274
Romeo the geart    bonecrusher
Cirgard 15539 Romeo the geart bonecrusher 197,281 392
Romeo the geart    Rejuvinated Leaf
Angkor 13843 Romeo the geart Rejuvinated Leaf 130,247 149
Romeo the geart    STALKERS
Dunarsund 16737 Romeo the geart STALKERS 128,803 253