13078 rank

271,853 points

411 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tyo the big D   
Brisgard 3894 Tyo the big D 42,968,783 31,789
Tyo the big D    whiskey river
Noarsil 11799 Tyo the big D whiskey river 422,876 443
Tyo the big D    DILLIGAF
Zorskog 11695 Tyo the big D DILLIGAF 370,653 373
Tyo the big D    Malice of War
East-Nagach 14408 Tyo the big D Malice of War 275,841 307
Tyo the big D    Torpedo Squadron A
Yorkton 13078 Tyo the big D Torpedo Squadron A 271,853 411