8695 rank

1,906,895 points

522 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
laborguy88    Empire thru Strength
Greifental 4608 laborguy88 Empire thru Strength 26,241,309 2,641
laborguy88    Empire thru Strength
Rugnir 5130 laborguy88 Empire thru Strength 15,391,900 2,502
laborguy88    Empire of Strength
Yorkton 8695 laborguy88 Empire of Strength 1,906,895 522
laborguy88    Empire of Strength
Qunrir 9285 laborguy88 Empire of Strength 1,432,131 541
laborguy88    Empire thru Strength
Noarsil 10087 laborguy88 Empire thru Strength 935,310 359
laborguy88    PowerNation
Mount Killmore 20039 laborguy88 PowerNation 48,584 39
laborguy88    Rule the World
Korch 17515 laborguy88 Rule the World 46,034 35