12428 rank

339,656 points

668 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
bonniel224    Rebellion
Arvahall 681 bonniel224 Rebellion 638,419,087 314,889
bonniel224    Arc Dynasty
Angkor 10060 bonniel224 Arc Dynasty 701,993 1,126
bonniel224    Lionheart
Cirgard 13410 bonniel224 Lionheart 447,462 838
bonniel224    The Prancing Pony
Yorkton 12428 bonniel224 The Prancing Pony 339,656 668
bonniel224    RandomPeople
Rugnir 12756 bonniel224 RandomPeople 265,104 577
bonniel224    Aurora
Walstrand 12192 bonniel224 Aurora 264,142 578