17391 rank

46,734 points

136 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
dava the goddess    t.y.g.
Mount Killmore 13565 dava the goddess t.y.g. 517,802 912
dava the goddess   
Arvahall 16502 dava the goddess 412,232 888
dava the goddess   
Brisgard 15249 dava the goddess 375,301 537
dava the goddess   
Langendorn 12162 dava the goddess 373,990 439
dava the goddess    Bloodmoon
Cirgard 15304 dava the goddess Bloodmoon 219,285 564
dava the goddess    we play GE
Tuulech 13221 dava the goddess we play GE 172,295 270
dava the goddess    Treetop
Sinerania 13886 dava the goddess Treetop 145,250 226
dava the goddess    nla
Angkor 14208 dava the goddess nla 111,929 260
dava the goddess    Eternal Flame Club
Houndsmoor 17094 dava the goddess Eternal Flame Club 102,053 319
dava the goddess    Nefarious Intent
Dunarsund 17556 dava the goddess Nefarious Intent 93,485 276
dava the goddess    The Imperial Empire
Jaims 15939 dava the goddess The Imperial Empire 87,889 198
dava the goddess   
Vingrid 15451 dava the goddess 86,597 214
dava the goddess    bla 2
Zorskog 15022 dava the goddess bla 2 79,938 176
dava the goddess   
Birka 12832 dava the goddess 50,678 286
dava the goddess    Get That Cinnamon
Yorkton 17391 dava the goddess Get That Cinnamon 46,734 136
dava the goddess   
Walstrand 16246 dava the goddess 43,145 44
dava the goddess   
Xyr 19225 dava the goddess 41,394 164
dava the goddess    blue hook
Odhrorvar 16695 dava the goddess blue hook 38,213 117