3164 rank

43,037,243 points

23,991 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Aggie of UNOWUT    Quiet and Peaceful
Yorkton 3164 Aggie of UNOWUT Quiet and Peaceful 43,037,243 23,991
Aggie of UNOWUT    Julian’s Dream
East-Nagach 4731 Aggie of UNOWUT Julian’s Dream 28,334,023 20,073
Aggie of UNOWUT    What's on Second?
Dunarsund 5782 Aggie of UNOWUT What's on Second? 16,941,731 11,326
Aggie of UNOWUT    Golden Rulers!
Xyr 6232 Aggie of UNOWUT Golden Rulers! 9,833,869 9,093
Aggie of UNOWUT    I C U
Angkor 6185 Aggie of UNOWUT I C U 5,940,855 5,508
Aggie of UNOWUT    Lazy T
Vingrid 15687 Aggie of UNOWUT Lazy T 78,609 326