11913 rank

442,321 points

1,450 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
madman4e    Open Guild
Rugnir 9799 madman4e Open Guild 1,123,299 3,326
madman4e    Wolfhaven
Qunrir 10470 madman4e Wolfhaven 837,644 2,604
madman4e    Lords of The Ring
Tuulech 11314 madman4e Lords of The Ring 492,805 1,397
madman4e    Talons of the Sun
Yorkton 11913 madman4e Talons of the Sun 442,321 1,450
madman4e    The Fellowship
Birka 11805 madman4e The Fellowship 90,874 386
madman4e    KINGS
Parkog 17797 madman4e KINGS 36,258 150