10587 rank

746,025 points

566 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sega1    The Holly Guards
Houndsmoor 10691 Sega1 The Holly Guards 1,415,445 1,089
Sega1    Big eye
Odhrorvar 9221 Sega1 Big eye 1,347,149 756
Sega1    Latin America
East-Nagach 10842 Sega1 Latin America 1,221,946 647
Parkog 9472 Sega1 1,127,481 946
Sega1    Traders Union
Sinerania 9778 Sega1 Traders Union 998,983 542
Sega1    Silver Dragons
Qunrir 10308 Sega1 Silver Dragons 803,519 596
Sega1    Guild of Nerds
Jaims 10977 Sega1 Guild of Nerds 789,487 798
Sega1    Dark Chaos
Tuulech 10157 Sega1 Dark Chaos 761,982 607
Sega1    Growers Guild
Yorkton 10587 Sega1 Growers Guild 746,025 566
Sega1    The Rage Within
Uceria 10820 Sega1 The Rage Within 686,603 583
Sega1    Colony of bronze
Zorskog 10569 Sega1 Colony of bronze 596,796 459
Arvahall 18078 Sega1 254,176 233